Our Standard Subscription Plans
- 3.0 Credit hours with Business Law Group
- Dedicated Principal Consultant (PC)
- Monthly PC meetings to update & align
- Legal Document Audit & Business Audit
- Discounted additional hours with BLG (25%)
- 9.0 Credit hours with Business Law Group
- Dedicated Principal Consultant (PC)
- Twice Monthly PC meetings to update & align
- Quarterly Strategy Meeting
- Discounted additional hours with BLG (30%)
- 15.0 Credit hours with Business Law Group
- Dedicated PC and Legal Counsel (LC)
- Weekly PC meetings to update & align
- Annual Training for Managers & Leadership Team
- Discounted additional hours with BLG (40%)
- 21.0 Credit hours with Business Law Group
- Dedicated PC and Legal Counsel (LC)
- Regular PC meetings to update & align
- Annual Audit of Company Documents
- Discounted additional hours with BLG (50%)
- Pre-determined Credit hours with Business Law Group
- Dedicated PC and Legal Counsel (LC)
- Additional Board Member
- Consultation to Determine Services
- Discounted additional hours with BLG (50%)
Custom Plans Are Also Available!
*Limitations apply
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